
We were all born with smooth, baby soft skin. As we go through life our skin becomes a road map showing the effects of where we have been and what we have done. Even if we have taken care of our skin, many of us are affected by child hood and adolescent diseases while heredity and gravity always take their toll.


An Introduction to Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a new "Lunch Time" approach to skin resurfacing. The microdermabrasion process stimulates the production of new skin cells and collagen resulting in cleaner, clearer and younger-looking skin. Less aggressive than laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion is a non-surgical treatment that does not require an anesthetic. Treatments take 25-35 minutes. This mild yet effective treatment can help minimize age spots and fine lines from around the eyes, lips and neck. It can also improve mild acne that has not responded to other treatment methods.



What is Microdermabrasion and How Does It Work?


Microdermabrasion is effective in reducing fine lines, "crow's feet," age spots, skin discoloration and acne scars. In short, it stimulates the production of skin cells and collagen, proving it to be a very popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure.


To explain further, Microdermabrasion is a mini procedure or cosmetic treatment that involves the skin being "sand blasted" by aluminum oxide crystals to remove the top layer of the skin, including dead skin cells. Microdermabrasion promotes the production of new cells in the basal or deepest layer of the dermis. It can thoroughly clean your pores and help you avoid future breakouts if treatment is continued on a regular basis. Microdermabrasion also stimulates collagen which will assist in smoothing the skin texture and appearance.

How Long Does a

Microdermabrasion Treatment Take?


Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment offering beautiful and healthy-looking skin. The procedure lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes, depending upon the strength of the peel. Continuous maintenance sessions are recommended every few months. For best results, schedule sessions 2 weeks apart.


Our certified consultants can help you determine how often you need to have the treatments done based on your skin condition.

Treatable Conditions


  • Sun Damaged Skin
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Oily & Acne Prone Skin
  • Acne Scars
  • Fine Lines
  • Blackheads & whiteheads
  • Age Spots & Superficial Pigmentation



How is Treatment Performed Exactly?


To begin, a cleansing toner is applied to your skin to remove makeup and excess oils. This helps for a better application and better results. A wand is then manually passed over the areas of your skin that are damaged or over your entire face, depending on your preference.


It is wise to consider doing the neck area as well for people concerned with aging. Other typical areas to perform microdermabrasion on include the decollete (for women wanting a smooth cleavage), and the hands, which frequently show signs of aging. Fine aluminum oxide crystals "sand blast" the face to eliminate dead skin and any impurities. After the procedure, you will have a cool towel wrap applied to the area treated.


This will assist your skin in recovery. Once the treatment is complete, a soothing toner is applied, next, a rehydrating cream and sun block are applied. Generally, we will increase the penetration level as you come for continuous treatments.

Note : Microdermabrasion can be done on almost any part of the body. Follow up home care instructions for your skin type will be reviewed at the time of the consultation. A skin care regimen may be offered to you for your maintenance home care. Listen carefully to the esthetician's instructions for home care to avoid skin irritation following the procedure. After you have had a consultation explaining how the system works and what to expect, this treatment may be offered as part of a complete skin renewal program. Your skin will be evaluated by a licensed esthetician, and they will discuss your skin care goals. If appropriate, a program of treatments will be offered to you and a complete medical history will be taken. The cost of the care will be explained and you will be given a consent form to read and sign before your sessions begin.


Results after several sessions of Microdermabrasion

Are There Any Side Effects?

Microdermabrasion is not a painful procedure, but you may experience a slight stinging sensation. Your skin may feel warm and appear slightly pink for the first day. It is extremely rare that you would experience any swelling after a Microdermabrasion treatment.


You can expect to feel as if you have a mild sun burn or windburn. You skin may feel dry and may peel. This is natural and is the purpose of the procedure. Apply a high quality moisturizer and a high protection sun block. Do not expose your face to sunlight or tanning bends for long periods of time.

Is Microdermabrasion Right For Me?


If you have fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, uneven skin texture or sundamaged skin, then Microdermabrasion may be right for you. Microdermabrasion cannot, however, remove deep scars or wrinkles, but may improve their appearance to some degree. If you have no history of hypo- or hyper-pigmentation or keloid scarring in your family, you should consider Microdermabrasion as an alternative to a deeper invasive or chemical peel.


If you have any skin or medical conditions, it is important to mention this to our certified specialist. You should NOT undergo Microdermabrasion treatment if you have any undiagnosed lesions, warts, weeping acne, rosacea, unstable diabetes or any auto-immune system disorders. It is also important you discuss with our esthetician any recent chemical peels or laser surgery.


Microdermabrasion treatments combined

with medical grade products



When Will I See the Effects of the Microdermabrasion Treatment?


Results are usually immediate. Your skin will look and feel clean and smooth directly following each treatment. You will also notice that your skin will become more even toned and textured, especially after a series of treatments. Once the dull dead skin cells are removed, you will notice an improvement overall. This usually occurs after several



At California Cosmetic Laser Clinic we are dedicated to providing you with professional, expert care and services from start to finish, and we can offer you professional advice on our series of specialized treatments. We realize that your needs are unique to you, and will assist in recommending the best treatments to address your individual needs. Please request a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs.


Call (760) 482-5511.

Ask one of our certified skin care specialist to determine if you are a candidate for Microdermabrasion. Since every individual is unique and has special needs, a personal consultation will be necessary. Together, you and a certified skin care specialist will determine the number and regularity of treatments best for you.

California Cosmetic Laser Clinic

1498 S. La Brucherie Rd.

El Centro, CA 92243

Phone (760) 482-5511

Hours of Operation

Tuesday - Friday, 9am to 6pm

No-Interest Patient Financing through CareCredit

Apply Online or in our office.

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